If you are new to Nutritonal Therapy and not sure how diet and lifestyle changes can improve your health come and join one of my Group Online Menu Programmes.
I run these about 4-6 x per year, lasting for approx 4 weeks at a time.
I provide the menus - there is always a meat+fish option and a plant based menu option.
Each Menu includes recipes for breakfast, snacks, lunch and supper (a regular and a plant based menu)
And I also provide you with the weekly shopping list.
Alongside that you are fully supported, by me, in a private Facebook Group, where I post daily blog posts, videos and come in to answer all your questions. It's a fantastic way to test drive the impact that diet and lifestyle can have on your health.
My current programme will support you for 6 weeks summer - A Simple Balanced Diet
The cost is £49 and you can start today
Click to Join my Simple Balanced Diet Plan